Our prices
& card spreads
3 card spreads:
( 15 to 25 minutes )
Sacred Compass:
( 45 minutes )
provides a more detailed picture using the concept of the four directions and the elements
Uses 5 tarot cards and additional oracles
Celtic Cross:
( 60 minutes )
provides the most detailed picture using one of the most ancient tarot spreads
Uses 13 tarot cards
party/group discounts available
Single oracle:
( 5 minutes )
provides the most detailed picture using one of the most ancient tarot spreads
one oracle card from your choice
of deck
where to start your quest
Individual readings:
book a sacred compass or celtic cross spread at a local tea house or cafe
book an online skype reading of your choice
find our tarot tent at summer festivals
stay posted for our upcoming events
parties and groups:
Book a party at your home or other venue - and the host(ess) gets a free reading!
& method
We practice the art of divination with the use of traditional tarot cards as well as more modern oracle decks.
Our readings give you a psychic weather report that shows key aspects of the past that will relate to your future, the influences that are currently affecting you in the present and a forecast for the future.
Tarot and oracle readings shine a light on how to make the best out of sunny or stormy circumstances to reach a desired outcome or to avoid an unwanted one in the future.
we give a real crystal with every reading specific to your quest